For our 90th anniversary, we are proud to present the new Europa Star. In this ultra-innovative concept, the context provides the physical and metaphorical “wrapper” for the content. The product is in two parts: TIME.BUSINESS and TIME.KEEPER, with a new, dynamic layout and graphics.
- Pierre, Serge and Philippe Maillard
This concept provides a solution to a form of “schizophrenia” we have been struggling with. Fundamentally, there are two ways for a journalist to approach a watch: through the product itself, or through its context, which means the strategy chosen by the company that developed it. History shows us that a wonderful product can arrive at the wrong time, a bad product can be a surprise hit, and – happily – a good product can arrive at the right time. We were constantly asking ourselves what was the best journalistic approach to take. How could we offer relevant commentary about watches, and about their context, at the same time? For us, then, it comes as something of a relief to be able to separate these two approaches. The clarification is also welcome, and necessary, given the muddying of genres that is all too common in watch journalism. Our Time.Business folio includes wide-ranging articles, comprehensive dossiers and in-depth reporting on the industry, its business and its economic and geopolitical context. Time.Keeper is devoted to new watches, galleries, brands and their products.
The new format has also given us an opportunity to examine more closely how print and digital media can work hand-in-hand. What is the role of each? We believe that the magazine should provide an “experience”. It should be a treat to read, something you might want to keep on your shelf to refer back to. That’s why we have decided to call each issue a Chapter. At Baselworld we will launch our second major anniversary project: a new website in several languages. We will also expand our international distribution to collectors, enthusiasts and the entire watch community, in order to reach what we call the “global watchmaking ecosystem”, from our place at its heart. We strongly believe in the interconnectedness of all those involved in this microscopic and plural universe, where the boundaries of influence are so vague. All of these developments are going ahead in concert with our partners – LargeNetwork, DLG, Opus Magnum, Watchonista and Watchprint – because we believe that networks are essential in our watchmaking universe.
For four generations, we have been putting our hearts and minds into all that we do. This has been our greatest satisfaction: taking pleasure in doing what we love, every day, in a climate of freedom and independence, without (overly) demanding shareholders, taking the temperature of our times. We would like to thank all our readers, past, present and future, for their loyalty: this is our strength and our guiding light. The concept of time itself will take a central role in the organisation of our publications, whose content will be innovatively arranged according to past / present / future (follow the signs!). Time is the most fascinating mystery that lies at the heart of our universe. And it will always remain so.
> Introducing the new Europa Star TIME.BUSINESS/TIME.KEEPER
> Subscribe here to Europa Star TIME.BUSINESS / TIME.KEEPER magazine issue