Scatola del Tempo, a prestigious Italian company, creator of rotating watch holders, has recently rewarded the director Steven Spielberg, a great protagonist of world cinema, during the ARTribe in Los Angeles, for his enduring commitment aimed at those in need.
ARTribe, an organization of Los Angeles high school students, has committed itself to raising money for worthy causes through events featuring the work of talented high school artists.
Last year's event raised several tens of thousand dollars benefiting the SPIRAL Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organization which works to improve living conditions and healthcare in the most impoverished areas of central Vietnam and eastern Nepal.
The SPIRAL Foundation also provided in these areas income-generating activities for 1,000 people and has financed over 250 heart and brain tumor surgeries for poor children born with congenital heart disease, and donated over $100,000 to build the Ilam Clinic in the Himalayan
Therefore, ARTribe has been held again this year at the Santa Monica Art Studios, its second annual show to raise funds in favor of the SPIRAL Foundation, with a large participation from the public and from celebrities. Among the latter, Steven Spielberg stood out – once again –
for his great availability and generosity.
A top-range director and one of Hollywood’s most influential producers, at 61 Spielberg shows and inexhaustible creativity and continues working on movies he considers “personal†, such as The Terminal or Munich, as well as works of great commercial success such as Jaws, E.T., the four Indiana Jones installments, The War of the Worlds to mention just a few.
Source: Scatola Del Tempo
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