The Geneva watchbrand Blacksand is pleased to announce the winning of the 2012 World Championship title in Superboat Stock Class under SBI federation at the 32nd annual Key West World Championship power boat event.
- Omar Danial (Left) and Gary Ballough (Right)
The event takes place every year in the first week of November in Key West Florida and is comprised of about 50 Superboats and 100 Pilots from around the world which race a total of three races. The Blacksand offshore powerboat team won two ouf three races in its class securing the title as well as being awarded three awards at ceremony which took place on November 11th 2012.
- Blacksand World Champion Superboat Stock for 2012
The first award was the World Champion Superboat Stock title, the second award was for Competitve Spirit trophy for having participated in all of the years US National Championship races & World Championship races and last but not least Blacksand was crowned Best Sportsmanship award for helping their competitor repair damages incured to their boat during racing.
- Blacksand World Champion Superboat Stock for 2012
Congratulations to Blacksand’s star Gary Ballough for his 11th World Title and Omar Danial for his 5th World Title bringing Blacksand its first World Title.
Source: Blacksand