Direct Mail Still the Way to Go
Getting the attention of today's consumers is tough, but according to a study released by Pitney Bowes, Stamford, Connecticut, a retailer does have a powerful tool to use: `direct mail'. The study, conducted in conjunction with the Peppers and Rogers Group, a management consulting firm specializing in customer-focused business strategies, surveyed more than 350 U.S. households and discovered that direct mail:
Inspires action: Forty-five percent of the respondents said that if they received a targeted direct mailing they would mention the company to their friends, call if more information was needed (44%), open a second piece of mail sent by the company (43%), further investigate the company on the Internet (39%) and buy something being advertised (22%).
Purpose: Consumers said direct mail educates, organizes and relaxes them.
Positive attributes: 82% of the recipients enjoy the control in choosing when to open a mail piece, 78% appreciate its non-intrusive nature, 65% feel positive about its security, and 56% feel more involved with an organization that stays in touch using the mail.
“It is critical for companies to realize that CRM is not a simple tool to be installed, but a process by which a company can build solid relationships with their customers,” says Don Peppers, partner with the Peppers and Rogers Group.
Source: International Jeweler
January 2002