esponding to the needs of the watch, jewellery and gemstone community to regroup in 2021, HourUniverse is committed to retain its live show in Basel, Switzerland. Summer 2021 is currently targeted as the earliest season for the show to ensure that it can be held under the best possible conditions.
Devised as a grand festival of networking and experiences, the first edition will firmly focus on the spirit of conviviality. The first edition of the festival will feature new venues that will facilitate networking, both indoors and outdoors, such as the creation of a new large central outdoor square, completely designed as a true extension of the event into the city. Designed intentionally to be accessible to as wide an audience as possible, the installation of outdoor catering and public entertainment areas linked to the show, additionally facilitated by the warmer and sunnier days of summer, will provide a relaxed atmosphere conducive to sharing experiences associated with the event.
Michel Loris-Melikoff, Managing Director of HourUniverse, said: “Our ongoing discussions with industry stakeholders have clearly demonstrated that the demand from the wider community for a large annual gathering in Switzerland, in the heart of Europe, is now stronger than ever. We are working to make HourUniverse not only the best business platform, but also a superb experience for our visitors. The pleasure of all being together, seeing clients and the press again, discovering and creating new opportunities, facilitating transparency, openness and conviviality are at the heart of our endeavours.”

Whereas the live show is intended as a modern business platform, and a major celebration for all players and aficionados of gemstones, jewellery and watches, it will above all create the new momentum that brands need in order to finally meet the media and customers face-to-face once again under the best possible conditions. The concept of total unification between digital and physical makes a big difference by offering a modern, trendy, accessible, 100% connected format, adapted to the needs of today’s brands.
HourUniverse remains committed to organising an event this year in the best interests of the industry. The organising team continues to closely monitor developments and evaluate all alternatives if necessary, possibly even later in the year if the hosting conditions warrant further changes.