
Preview of the 10th SEW Watch Fair in Prague

October 2024

Preview of the 10th SEW Watch Fair in Prague

The Salon of Exceptional Watches (SEW) is taking place at the end of November for the tenth time in Prague. The exhibition space is set to attract a record number of exhibitors, and will showcase for the first time a new independent brand section alongside demonstrations of craftsmanship.


he opulent premises of the Neo-Renaissance Žofín Palace in Prague will once again be transformed into a ticking temple. On Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 November, it will host the largest watch event ever seen in the Czech Republic.

There will be famous name brands, as well as small manufacturers and even members of the AHCI, the international group of independent watchmakers whose inspirational creations have become a hot subject of interest among top collectors in recent years.

As an upgrade on previous years, an independent brands section is also being added. The annual presentation of watchmaking will also feature live examples of engraving, as well as the opportunity to have a custom-made leather strap made for your favourite watch.

Preview of the 10th SEW Watch Fair in Prague

This year, the 10th anniversary SEW trade fair is welcoming a large number of foreign brands, which will be exhibiting here on the Czech market for the very first time. Several world and Czech premieres will take place during the two days of the sales exhibition.

Highlights for visitors are not only the individual watches themselves, but also the countless fascinating personalities representing the brands – whether as watchmakers or company directors. Top of many people’s lists will be icons of the watch world like Vincent Calebrese or Antoine Preziuso.

Preview of the 10th SEW Watch Fair in Prague

Nor would the tenth edition of the Salon of Exceptional Watches be complete without a rich accompanying programme full of lectures and discussions. In the course of two days, it will attract the attention not only of the entire watchmaking community in the Czech Republic, but also important figures from the world of music, film, and domestic showbusiness.

“As in previous years, the event will feature this year’s selection of the best watches in the Watch of the Year exhibition. We have also decided to once again award a prize for creative contribution to world watchmaking,” reveals Jan Pokorný, Director of the SEW exhibition. “This award has so far only been given to Mr. Jean-Marie Schaller, the man behind the resurrection and success of the Louis Moinet brand,” he adds.

SEW offers not only a unique opportunity to buy watches that are not available elsewhere, but is also an occasion to support a good cause. Another KlokArt t-shirt with a watch motif will be unveiled during the exhibition, which can be purchased to support the children’s charity Fond ohrožených dětí.

Preview of the 10th SEW Watch Fair in Prague

10th Salon of Exceptional Watches

  • 22.–23.11.2024
  • Prague, Žofín Palace
  • Tickets are already on sale
  • www.sewpraha.com

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